Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Here is some of the kinda pathetic snow we had. (which melted) I was wearing shorts the day before and that sure changed! Our neighbors were betting on the snow and well lets just say I was wrong... XD I took these pictures out of my window in my room by opening up the window and the opening the screen part... So at about seven thirty in the morning, my head sticking out into the freezing air (which I didn't notice) taking pictures must of been a strange sight for our neighbors!
I love snow on trees!!!
Again, I still love snow on trees!
Our wishing well...
Our gazebo and guess what? MORE TREES!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

love my sistas :-)

Think of Me


Think of me,
think of me, fondly,
when we've said
Remember me
once in a while -
please promise me
you'll try.

When you find
that, once
again, you long
to take your heart back
and be free -
if you
ever find
a moment,
spare a thought
for me ...

We never said
our love
was evergreen,
or as unchanging
as the sea -
but if
you can still
stop and think
of me ...

Think of all the things
we've said and seen -
don't think about the way
things might have been ...Think of me,
think of me waking,
silent and
Imagine me,
trying to hard
to put you
from my mind.

Recall those days,
look back on
all those times,
think of the things
we'll never do -
there will
never be
a day, when
I won't think
of you ...


Can it be?
Can it be Christine?


Long ago
it seems so long ago
how young and innocent we were
She may
not remember
me, but
I remember
her ...


We never said
our love
was evergreen
or as unchanging
as the sea -
but please
promise me,
that sometimes,
you will think
of me!

~From the Phantom of the Opera

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

which one?

Ok so I edited this photo of me and used three different effects. The first is 1960's (my favorite) then oroton-ish, and finally cinema-scope. Which one is the best? Sorry about the angle, I tried but couldn't flip them :( Just tilt your head!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hey again! Just trying out my new signature... it works! Btw how do you make a button?

Did some outdoor shots... they were all taken in the Natural Bridge area a while ago, that place is amazing! It is almost 70 degrees outside!!! YAY!!! I cannot stand to much of the whole 'cold' thing. I just mastered 'Brahms Lullaby' on the piano and it sounds great! I am working on 'Everybody March' right now, it's my brother's favorite song. Well, back to the ole' school, woohoo what fun! (not)


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Hope you all have an awesome Saint Patrick's day! My friend sent me this four leaf clover a while ago, me having written to her that I have never found a four leaf clover! Lucky me!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Little Bro

Josef Robert Sjørdal
Born: April 8, 2008
Character: Aggressive and Sweet

Joe-Joe is the best! He is the cutest, adorablest, cunningest, sweetest, annoyingest, Hugest little brother ever! He loves to dance and give kisses. He eats. And eats. And eats. And eats. Num Num! I take pictures of him whenever I can and I catch those HILARIOUS moments!
He was jumpin' 'round and I took a picture, and WOAH! That's what happened above! So cute...?
He loves toys, the computer, and especially loves to go outside! (he really likes ordering Greek books on Amazon and having them delivered to our front door... *coughs* oops.....)
His hair is the most amazing thing in the world. As we are mostly Norwegian, the custom is to let baby boys let their hair grow out until 3, when it is cut to symbolize growin' up! Josef's hair never tangles, is down to his shoulders (and beyond) and is almost white!

I love my little cutie pie poo-poo SO much!


Looking Back

These pictures were taken over eight years ago at our first house in Virginia. On the the top is Erik, about six years old, and below is me, maybe four or five years old. I remember picking those daffodils and then regretting that they wouldn't grow anymore. We used to grow tons of daffodils but we have Iris plants now. I have been finding old pictures of us when we were little and they always make me laugh! I used the 1960's effect on oldie pictures like these. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lauren's Photography Contest

Hey Lauren! Here is my photo for your green photo contest! Believe it or not, that moss/grass was really that green.


Spinning Barefoot Photography

Restoring my honor

Looking outside one dreary afternoon, I decided to go get the mail. This was a tough job and perilous journey left me in doubt, but I shook the thought away.
As I walked across the carpet and into the hallway, I comtemplated bringing a weapon to defend myself. I decided against it, a true warrior carried no weapon but her brain.
I paused in the hallway and wondered what to do next. Aha! Yes! I should open the door! But wait! There might be booby traps! I casually opened the door and stepped back, waiting for my sudden death. Nothing happened! I was safe! I slowly eased out the front door and into the wild.
When I stepped out into the wild, a great feeling came over me! This was it! I was going to do this! Then a came a low growl. I froze and looked slowly down. There, at my feet, was the most deadly, fiercest, ravaging house cat ever... I slid by, hoping not to be noticed, and was relived when she stooped down, ignoring me, all her focus on her prey of cat food.
I took the stairs one at a time, careful not to slip and wound myself. It was a tedious job, but I , being a warrior, was brave and made it off the stairs with great caution and finally, speed.
Up ahead was my target, and I made a beeline towards it.My quest was almost fulfilled! I paused and looked around, making sure no other being was trying to do my job. This was for me to do and me alone.
I was feet away from it when I realized the importance of my mission. I was in charge of the fate of the mail, I could do anything I pleased with it! And then I thought, why am I doing this? Yes, to restore my honor of forgotton mail in previous journeys. Yes, I would do this for honor's sake.
I sighed with relief as my hand touched the mailbox that held the prize inside. I had made it. I was a true warrior. My honor was restored and I was a new person. I lingered there, just laying my hand on the mailbox, contemplating how awesome I was and for finishing the quest. This quest was bestowed on me in earlier times but I had failed to complete it. All right, I told myself, time to get it and go before any other so called 'brave warriors came upon me. I took a deep breath and opened the box.

Monday, March 14, 2011


This is my new photo blog! (sorry for being such a copicat but it looked fun and I LOVE PICNIK!)
Here's my first pic!
